Congratulations go out to Compliance Specialist Nicole Benso for being named the WellFully’s Employee of the Month for the month of July.
Originally from Minnesota, being a military spouse moved her around – Florida, New Mexico… until they landed in rapid City where she and her boys found their home.
She originally joined the WellFully team as a Youth Care Worker (now known as a Youth Development Worker or YDS) in 2018. She continued as a YDS until she became a Case Manager, then finally the Compliance Specialist where she maintains the flow of paperwork in documenting the progress of the youth in the WellFully programs. “In this position, I pretty much see the good and bad of every kid that comes through here.” She explained.
Through everything, Nikki tries to be a positive force at WellFully. Every morning, she will do a walk through the building to say good morning, especially to the three residential units to see each client and ask how they are doing. In one nomination for EOM, one coworker wrote “Nicole has an amazing golden retriever like personality. She checks in on the clients and makes it known she cares for them.” Another noted “Nicole goes above and beyond, not only for our youth clients but also for staff. She is our ray of sunshine!“
When asked “why WellFully?” she says that WellFully’s Nurse Stacey recommended that she come work here. “That was five years ago - Now being here for so long, I can honestly say I am here for the clients. If I can make a positive impact in their lives that is what I’m about. They are what matter and that’s why I am here.”
In here time at WellFully, she has seen a number of changes, from new leadership to the new facility. But her time here also allows her to bear witness to the attitudes and behaviors of the youth in our care.
“I have seen clients come in here with nothing and the attitudes of literally wanting to do nothing. Not work their program and everything else. Then one day you watch it switch and the client turns it completely around and actually start working on themselves and the program.” These changes are proof to Nikki that yes, we are doing some good here.
She also enjoys the ones that come back to visit and let you know what they have been up to and are still sober or working etc. “Being able to see a client on the outs doing 100% better is enough to warm the hearts.”
The Employee of the Month honorees are nominated each month by their peers to recognize those who go above and beyond in carrying out their duties. Nominees are chosen in rotation between Support Staff, Counseling and Youth Development departments