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Myka Tiller named May Employee of the Month

Congratulations go out to our Myka Tiller for being named the WellFully’s Employee of the Month for the month of May.

Myka joined WellFully as a Youth Development Specialist (YDS) in December of 2022 after the urging of another WellFully staff member who told Myka she would be perfect working with the kids as a YDS. “I knew that she could make a big change on young kids’ lives – that’s what she has always been good at.”

She sees her responsibility as a YDS at WellFully as compassionately helping to keep our clients safe while supporting them become the best versions of themselves. Myka hopes that the clients see I care about them & want them to go out and be whoever they want to when they leave here. She says, “We help keep them safe and teach them to take accountability and responsibility while giving them the love & support they may be missing.”

Speaking about herself, Mya said, “I grew up in Rapid City from a big family of givers. Growing up, my parents always taught me & my brother to give to those who have less than us. All my grandparents’ children and grandchildren would give you the shirt off their back. Watching them help anyone who asked makes it second nature. I think since both of my parents worked at our home when I was a kid, it makes me feel like I’m closing a circle. I also grew up here in rapid and have watched a lot of my friends suffer with addiction issues and I enjoy doing my part to help others overcome that part of their lives.”

Posed with the question, Why WellFully, she said “I’m proud to be a part of WellFully in general. I know I haven’t been here long, but everyone here has their own way of showing up and being here for our clients. A lot of them have no one to care about them at home and we all understand the weight we hold by caring for them.”

Her coworkers were quite vocal about her nomination as EOM.

”Myka is such a joy to have here at WellFully.” Another noted that “Myka has done nothing but show compassion and loyalty for these kids, she’s loved by all and has so much love to give.”

Many of her friends have noted a change in Myka since she began working at WellFully. “You can ask my friends & family- since starting at WellFully I have been more happy and content as a person. I feel more fulfilled, and I know that when I got to work, what I do matters. I have found my own little home here and I love it!”

The Employee of the Month honorees are nominated each month by their peers to recognize those who go above and beyond in carrying out their duties. Nominees are chosen in rotation between Support Staff, Counseling and Youth Development departments


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