From painting bowls for the Empty Bowls fundraiser to visiting local senior and youth programs around the Black Hill, members of the Rapid City Rush hockey team are all-in when it comes to our community.
Recently, Rapid City Rush team members stopped by the WellFully Premier Adolescent Care Center to visit with the kids, sign autographs and have a little fun.

Team members (pictured above l-r) Simon Boyko, #16, TJ Fergus, #19, Riley Ginnell, #11 and Chris Perna, #2 met with each of the three WellFully units, answering questions and shared a bit about themselves, their hock backgrounds and where they are looking to go in the future.
The kids were especially impressed with the fact that while they all come from different places (three from Canada, one from New York) they all started playing hockey around the age of four.
Admissions Manager Marcia Taylor, who coordinated the visit, commented that 'the kids eyes and faces really lit up when they were told that the Rush team was coming. We all appreciate how it encourages and inspires these kids to know that there are groups such as the Rapid City Rush who make the effort to come and visit and play games with them.when organizations such as the Rush take time to visit with our kids."