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How can you help WellFully build

strong hearts, minds & bodies?


Each year, more youth are in need of WellFully's residential and after-school programs. We strive to provide the youth we serve with the best possible care. 


Your generous contributions of funding, goods and services make it possible for WellFully to expand services and proudly continue to help at-risk youth, thus, making our community stronger.


WellFully has several opportunities to support our mission, change a life, save a youth, and support WellFully. 

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Each contribution to the General Fund allows WellFully to provide expanded care to over 300 youth each year giving them opportunities to rise from whatever low place they find themselves.

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The WellFully Endowment Fund is a way for you to make an effective investment that will be a lasting legacy, benefiting WellFully beyond your lifetime. 

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Each year WellFully awards scholarships to youth we serve as an opportunity to enhance their life and future.

Licensed & Accredited - WellFully's programs and services are accredited by The Joint Commission and South Dakota Division of Behavioral Health. We are licensed by the South Dakota Department of Social Services and the South Dakota Department of Health. 

Non Profit  - Wellspring dba Wellfully is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit agency. Tax ID # 46-0414463

Located at  22 Waterloo St., Rapid City

Mailing Address - PO Box 1087, Rapid City SD 57709

Phone: (605) 718-4870


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